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Employment Laws Continue to Undergo Change in New York in 2015

The end of any year is a great time to reflect on the past and look forward to what’s to come. This is true in all facets of life, including the employment law realm. 2015 proved to be a tumultuous year in the employment law world, as countless changes, debates and reviews occurred.

Through it all, the New York employment lawyers at Hepworth, Gershbaum & Roth, PLLC remained committed to maintaining an updated awareness of the trending topics and changes to the legal landscape.

A year in review

The past year saw many trending topics and changes in the employment law landscape, including:

  • Minimum wage increase: New York City legislators approved and enacted a policy change governing the minimum wage paid to employees of franchise fast-food chains. The new law is set to increase the wage paid to these workers gradually over the next five years, culminating in a $15 minimum wage for affected workers. The act has met with mixed reactions, with fast food companies speaking out against the increase and its seemingly arbitrary applications, and workers supporting the increase and its potential impact on poverty within the city.

  • Equal pay laws: Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a series of bills into law in 2015. Among these bills was the Women’s Equality Agenda, a series of acts that change state laws relating to equal pay, sex discrimination, harassment and other issues relating to women in the workplace. The laws expand the definition of equal pay, add familial status as a protected class and address many other issues facing the female workforce.

  • Social media and class action wage and hour disputes: The emerging communications capabilities offered by social media reached new heights in 2015 as the New York Federal Court approved the use of social media to notify potential class members involved in wage and hour disputes. The ruling allows legal teams to notify class members via Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. The change should improve involvement in class action cases against employers accused of wage and hour infractions.

  • Affordable Care Act: As the Affordable Care Act takes shape, ripples continue to spread throughout the employment law world. Changes to health care benefits and requirements continue to impact employers and employees alike, making it important to stay current with the news relating to the legislation. In 2015, the debate raged on regarding the impact the Act may have in New York, with many fearing the changes and others looking forward to the continued growth of Obamacare.

These topics, among many others, promise to have a lasting impact on the New York employment law landscape for years to come.

Turn to the New York employment law attorneys at Hepworth, Gershbaum & Roth for advice

The attorneys at Hepworth, Gershbaum & Roth are proud to serve New York employees facing a wide range of employment law disputes. If you have encountered a dispute relating to your job or your income, we can help. Contact us online or call 212-545-1199 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case with one of our New York employment law attorneys.





Contact an employment law attorney in New York today for a free initial consultation and determine whether you have a case. For a free initial consultation, you can contact us online or by phone.

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