Experienced trial litigators
— All of our attorneys have extensive
courtroom experience. Cases are we believe,
won and lost based on subtle decisions made
in the courtroom and by the judge who is
handling the case. Our experience as
litigators, has allowed us to pursue cases
with precision and vigor, not shown by other
employment firms.
Admitted to multiple state bars — Our
lawyers have been admitted in multiple state
bars, this allows us to practice law
throughout the country, helping
disenfranchised employees in various states
recover the compensation they deserve.
A superior success rate — Our firm is
proud to have an extremely high success rate
for case resolution. We recover what you are
entitled to receive based upon the laws that
protect you the employee from the wrongful
acts of the employer. |
Experience in high-profile class action
lawsuits — We have had the honor of
representing individuals nationwide in class
action lawsuits against different major
retailers. Our litigation skills and
understanding of the applicable laws have
allowed us to successfully represent
employees throughout the country against
fortune 500 companies.
Exceptional client care — We believe
understanding the facts of your specific
case are very important, and we answer your
calls and work with you to give you the
greatest opportunity to receive payment for
the hours that you have already given your